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Indi Lab Labrador Retriever Rescue |
Independent Labrador Retriever Rescue |
Tillman's infected wounds, stenoic ears, tumors, rotten teeth & extreme fear meant euthanasia. IndiLab was there for Tillman. Will you be too?
Neglect, malnutrition, fear, low immunity & expense meant Tillman could have been euthanized. We didn't let that happen.
Multiple surgeries, time to heal between, foster willing to take a petrified medical case, stress impeding healing, and special needs adopters to take him home.
All this PLUS the significant expense of multiple surgeries & hospitalization.
See our breakdown below his photos...
Estimate provided to save Tillman:
• bloodwork w/ add on thyroid ($300-$325)
• tumor resections $200-$400 each (approx. $700)
• biopsies $250-$300 each (approx $650)
• debridment, & daily treatments for major skin wounds (approx $300-$400 each)
• complex, simple extraction of rotten teeth $100 & $70 each, clean $200: (approx $570-$1,000)
• flush infected ears under general anethesia ($50)
• possible minor emoval of cartilage under general anethesia ($200)
• antibiotics, pain, ear, rx cleaner meds & cone ($300) • bandage changes ($200) • Extensive grooming in preparation for surgery to remove years of fllth 2x at $75 ea ($150)
• Neuter large breed w/ fluids (aprox $200 rescue rate)
• Vaccinations $15 each x 3 ($45) • Pain injection post neuter ($35) • Nail trim for extra long turned under nails ($25 while under)
• Follow up(s) for minimum 2 surgeries ($150-$300) • Estimation of add on necessities for 2 surgeries (in-house panels, cytology) ($200) • Fecal w/ add on giardia, deworming - Flagyl, Panacuror Droncit ($250)
• Hospitalization approx 5 days at $150 ea, boarding approx 3 days at $25 each (approx $825)
Please consider a donation to help Tillman.
(Use ONLY our PayPal button or PayPal takes a percentage of your gift.)
Cost to save Tillman approx $5,855We cannot help our dogs without your contributions.Please use ONLY OUR PAYPAL BUTTON so 100% of your donation goes to Tillman and the dogs or PayPal helps themselves to a cut. They don't need it, the dogs do. INDI LAB RESCUE 13340 Bessemer Street Valley Glen, CA 91401
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Petal was used to breed puppies for profit. When she prolapsed she wasn't wanted anymore. IndiLab was there for Petal. Will you be too?
Petal spend her entire life in a cage on dirt surrounded by plywood. She never had love, played on grass, went in a house, slept in a dog bed, or was pet She was isolated and depressed. When she prolapsed her owner took her to be killed.
By the grace of God, Petal found compassion in the very person hired to euthanize her. We were contacted and we rushed to take her in.
Petal has been spayed and her first surgery to fix her prolapse completed. Thus far it has cost $1,300 but she will require additional surgery and care adding up and up and up. But this is what rescue is all about for our breed. We will do whatever is necesarry to give this beautiful, darling, and sweet love a chance she never had.
As sad as it is, the day we found her was her luckiest day because her new life began.
Petal will be seeing a new specialist as we continue to attempt to shrink her prolapse in preparation for yet another surgery. Meanwhile she is being lovingly cared for by the most special foster mom who is keeping her immaculate and keeping her prolapse sterile, covered, and moisened with a special veterinary application.
Cost to save Petal approx $4,500 We can not save dogs without your help!
Or send your generous donation to INDI LAB RESCUE 13340 Bessemer Street Valley Glen, CA 91401
| Sunday 5 yr old female Lab with mange
UNACCEPTABLE!!!!! This poor female Lab was dumped at in Inland shelter to die covered in mange and filth. They would not even do a skin scrape or treat her at all. She was slated for euthanasia instead of doing anything to ease her suffering.
IndiLab was there for Sunday. Will you be too?
Sunday is a beautiful girl with the sweetest disposition. She requires bloodwork, a skin scrape, a skin analysis, a thyroid test, a urinalysis, antibiotics, skin treatments, hollistic treatment and finally she will need her spay, vaccines, and microchip once she is well enought.
Sunday is going to be fed a hollistic grain free diet of REAL FOOD including coconut oil, real meat, berries, veggies, oatmeal, fish and supplements. We will boast her immune system in tandem with her medical treatment. She will be given regular medicated baths along with her other treatments to ease her red and swollen skin and itchyness.
Finally, the shelter actually made us pay almost $160 to take this dog in an adoption. They would not even make her a rescue only dog!!!!
Cost to save Sunday $1,500
Please will you consider helping this dog with a tax-deductible donation. Anything helps. Skip a coffee or movie or dinner. Or give more and be her sponsor. Our adoption donations only cover so much of the cost of medical for our dogs. Simple vaccines, neutering, microchiipping and basic medical care leave little left over on a HEALTHY dog to help us pay for dogs like Sunday.
Only donations can do that. Will you help?
Please click ONLY OUR PayPal button to donate or PayPal will take a cut.
or mail your donation to: INDI LAB RESCUE 13340 Bessemer Street Valley Glen, CA 91401
| Ribbons had her entropion surgery at Agoura Animal Hospital with Dr. Barry. She is pain free for the first time since she has been born.
Ribbons: 9-year-old senior Labrador with Entropion eyes
Ribbons needs our urgent help! After 9 years, this sweet confused senior Labrador was dumped at a high kill Socal shelter to die when Indi Lab Rescue discovered her laying on a cold concrete floor of her kennel. Her family didn't want her anymore.
Not only was she no longer wanted, Ribbons has suffered her entire life since birth with an entropion eye causing severe infection and pain and no one caring enough to ease her suffering.
What's more troubling is that this is a 100% completely correctable condition!
At 9 years of age, this Labrador angel deserves a chance to be pain free and treasured.
Won't you help us to help Ribbons?
Indi Lab Rescue is seeking donations to assist us in correction of her entropion eye. Your gift will mean the world to this sweet girl.
Ribbons will have her surgery at Agoura Hills Animal Hospital in Agoura Hills. Ribbons is fostered in Santa Barbara and will be available for adoption to a loving home once she has healed.
Will you help? Please click the PayPal button below to donate, or mail your donation to:
INDI LAB RESCUE 13340 Bessemer Street Valley Glen, CA 91401
Donate and save a life!
When you donate to help our orphaned retrievers, you help save lives!Adoption fees never cover the cost of rescuing a dog. We can only do our good work with help from you.We supply the the foster homes, the driving, the housebreaking, the nuturning, and all the work. You can help too by contributing to help us with medical expenses, pull fees and other costs! Any little bit helps! Your donation is tax deductible and means so much! Click on our paypal link at right, or mail your donation to:
INDI LAB RESCUE 13340 Bessemer Street Valley Glen, CA 91401
Or send your donation to Indi Lab Rescue 13340 Bessemer Street Valley Glen, CA 91401 |
| Dallas and Harvey
Dallas and Harvey were left at a high kill shelter when their families no longer wanted them.
Dallas, the 8 year old Golden Retriever, came to us with bloody urine, underweight, filthy, with bi-lateral ear infections, and depressed.
His buddy Harvey, a 7 year old purebred Labrador, arrived so overweight he could not walk. He had sustained a torn cruciate years before and his neglectful owners never treated him. He lived in pain for years as it healed on it's own leaving him with severe arthritis. With his weight as it was and an injured leg, Harvey could not even get up on his own.
Additionally both boys also had servere upper respiratory infections on their way to pneumonia. It was just about then that they came to us.
These two sweet angels deserve so much more. Our volunteers are working hard to help them recover and become well enough to be adopted into the very best approved home.
Since being with us, both boys have received exceptional medical care with Agoura Animal Hospital. They have had blood panels, xrays, and treatment for all of their concerns.
Harvey, who could not even stand up when we got him, is now able to walk up to 1/8 of a mile. He loves it! He has lost weigth and is building muscle mass. He is aging backwards! Dallas is cheery and healthy. His urinary tract infection is gone, ears clear, and he is happy as can be.
Both boys enjoy nylabones, soft beds, good food, and the company of other sweet Indi Lab Grads and foster dogs. And of course they have the best foster home in the world.
We just can't do it without you! We are still counting our medical bills from Dallas and Harvey and need your help!
Cost to save Dallas and Harvey $1,000
As we struggle to cover these costs, we also need funds to move forward to help other dogs in desperate need.
Thank you so much for considering a tax deductible donation to help us do our good work.
Or send your donation to Indi Lab Rescue 13340 Bessemer Street Valley Glen, CA 91401 |
| Adopted!
Happy Ending: Your donations allowed us to cover Chai's medical expenses. We couldn't have done it without your help.
UPDATE! Chai had to have a 2nd surgery to remove a pin which was causing pain. ASEC did the surgery and she is doing very well. She is just a puppy, so we are keeping her a quiet as possible. We are hopeful that Chai can be in a new fur-ever home very, very soon!
Chai: 1-year-old female Lab with broken femur and injured pelvis
This beautiful purebred Labrador pup was taken to a veterinarian to be put down after being hit by a car and badly injured. Chai's femur was broken and she sustained injury to her pelvis. We guess it's just cheaper to buy a new puppy than pay for an expensive surgery.
That's when we were contacted. Chai was in horrible pain as she had had no treatment whatsoever and it had been days since she was hit by the car. We took Chai in immediately and brought her to the best surgery center in Southern California - ASEC (Animal Specialty and Emergency Center), where only the best surgeons could consult on her injuries and help us with a game plane to saving this girls leg and possibly her life.
Chai was thoroughly examined and had X-rays to see be certain there were no internal injuries. Luckily there were not. It was decided to move forward with orthopedic surgery. We knew this would be expensive but we also know that our generous supporters are always there for these dogs when there is no other option.
Our cost to save Chai's life is $6,000.
After a successful surgery as she was beginning to heal, it was discovered that Chai was not recovering properly and was in pain. After seeing her surgeon we were informed that she was suffering an adverse reaction to one of the pins holding her plate in position.
Chai would require a second surgery.
We can not help without your contributions. Skipping a dinner or movie, an expensive coffee drink or something else you can part with to help Chai will go far in enabling us to pay her surgical bills and continue her treatment. It's not much to us, but to this poor dog, it is the whole world. Chai's surgery at ASEC with a qualified, board certified orthopedic surgeon was absolutely mandated in this situation.
Will you help?
Please click the PayPal button below to donate, or mail your donation to:
INDI LAB RESCUE 13340 Bessemer Street Valley Glen, CA 91401
Donate and save a life!
When you donate to help our orphaned retrievers, you help save lives!Adoption fees never cover the cost of rescuing a dog. We can only do our good work with help from you.We supply the the foster homes, the driving, the housebreaking, the nuturning, and all the work. You can help too by contributing to help us with medical expenses, pull fees and other costs! Any little bit helps! Your donation is tax deductible and means so much! Click on our paypal link at right, or mail your donation to:
INDI LAB RESCUE 13340 Bessemer Street Valley Glen, CA 91401
Or send your donation to Indi Lab Rescue 13340 Bessemer Street Valley Glen, CA 91401 |
Happy Ending: With your help and the help of ASEC's amazing surgical team, Hammond's surgery and rehab was a success. He is doing wonderfully!
Hammonds: 3 year old male Lab with torn anterior cruciate ligament
Hammonds is a beautiful 3 year old purebred Labrador who found himself in the worst immaginable situation. He was lost, alone, and then if that wasn't bad enough, he was hit by a car.
Lucky for Hammonds, animal control got to him in time, but not before he was injured badly tearing his knee joint apart and suffering other wounds. And animal control was not able to provide him the medical help he needed nor alleviate his pain so this poor boy, though alive, continued to suffer.
Hammonds arrived at a high kill shelter where no one came for him even after three weeks sitting injured, untreated, and facing euthanasia. That's when an Indi Volunteer showed up and brough him to safety.
Hammonds needs a very expensive TPLO surgery to reconstruct his knee so alleviate his pain and so that that he can walk again properly. Without our help this boy would have been euthanized.
Can you help?
Our cost to save Hammonds is $4,000
We can not help this dog without your contributions. Maybe skip a dinner out, or a night at the movies, or even a coffee or ice cream. It's not much to us, but to this poor dog, it is the whole world.
Hammonds will have his surgery at ASEC in West LA where he will be taken care of by an expert staff and have surgery with a qualified, board certified orthopedic surgeon so that his prognosis and future will be as bright as possible.
Please click the Paypal button below to donate, or mail your donation to
INDI LAB RESCUE 13340 Bessemer Street Valley Glen, CA 91401
Donate and save a life!
When you donate to help our orphaned retrievers, you help save lives!Adoption fees never cover the cost of rescuing a dog. We can only do our good work with help from you.We supply the the foster homes, the driving, the housebreaking, the nuturning, and all the work. You can help too by contributing to help us with medical expenses, pull fees and other costs! Any little bit helps! Your donation is tax deductible and means so much! Click on our paypal link at right, or mail your donation to:
INDI LAB RESCUE 13340 Bessemer Street Valley Glen, CA 91401
Or send your donation to Indi Lab Rescue 13340 Bessemer Street Valley Glen, CA 91401 |
Update: Thanks to your donations and a dedicated, long term foster commitment, Leche's surgery and recovery were a success. This is a dog who absolutely would have died without our help and thanks to you, she has a chance.
Leche: 2 year old female Lab with severe vaginal prolapse
Your sponsorship helped us to save Leche! Here is her story.
Leche was to be euthanized by her owners when her uterus and vagina prolapsed during her heat cycle. If you look at the photo you can see the alarming site.
Rather than spend the money to help her, or make some effort to do something, they opted to euthanize her especially because they bought her to breed her and now that wasn't an option.
Lucky for Leche, a friend of a friend took her in and got her to us.
This is an extreme case of prolapse requiring specialized surgery and recovery as well as repeat bloodwork, and other diagnostics, medications, and treatments to be sure Leche is taken care of properly and at the lowest risk.
Leche underwent surgery with Dr. Anderson, a board certified surgeon at ASEC who specializes in this type of surgery. This was her second surgery to correct her prolapse. The first surgery did not work as the prolapse was too severe and required a more aggressive approach.
Our cost to save Leche was $4,500
We could not have saved this dog without your contributions.
Please click the Paypal button below to donate, or mail your donation to
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INDI LAB RESCUE 13340 Bessemer Street Valley Glen, CA 91401
Donate and save a life!
When you donate to help our orphaned retrievers, you help save lives!Adoption fees never cover the cost of rescuing a dog. We can only do our good work with help from you.We supply the the foster homes, the driving, the housebreaking, the nuturning, and all the work. You can help too by contributing to help us with medical expenses, pull fees and other costs! Any little bit helps! Your donation is tax deductible and means so much! Click on our paypal link at right, or mail your donation to:
INDI LAB RESCUE 13340 Bessemer Street Valley Glen, CA 91401
Or send your donation to Indi Lab Rescue 13340 Bessemer Street Valley Glen, CA 91401 |
Your sponsorship has helped us care for Malec and Brandy and now they are both in loving homes.
Malec the Golden came to us with chemical burns down his entire back and onto one foot. Unreal that this could happen to a dog this wonderful. We stepped up for Malec knowing their would be veterinary costs associated with him. But we did so knowing we could ask you for help.
Malec was bypassed by other breed rescues as it was thought that he would be expensive and might not like people anymore. It's true, it was expensive, but Malec LOVES people and his heart has remained intact. He is a very special boy.
Malec had to have his injuries treated in a very specific way. He recieved the best veterinary care possible. And thanks to Indi Lab, Malec is now healing in his loving foster home.
Brandy came to us, skin and bones, the product of a cruelty investigation. Brandy, a 7 year old chocolate Labrador, is sufferring from mange, immune issues, and the results of living with malnutrition probably for her entrie life. Brandy's owners agreed to surrender her to animal control when they were made to realize that they would be in even worse trouble if they didn't treat her medically. These are people who never should have been permitted to own any animal.
Brandy requires excelent care to move foward. This includes regular vet visits, repeated bloodwork, xrays, special customized nutirion, etc. It is our goal to bring Brandy to good health so she can be adopted.
Brandy is in the most loving foster home and we are doing all we can to bring this sweet girl to healthy. You can help us do it.
We cannot cover the costs of medical for these and other needy retrievers without your help. Please won't you consider helping us help the retrievers who have no chance without us? Even a small check or paypal donation will help. Skip something like coffee out for a week or a dinner out. All donations matter.
Without donations we cannot do the work we do and as we struggle to cover these costs, we also need to be able to move forward to help other dogs in desperate need.
Thank you so much for considering a 100% tax deductible donation to help us do our good work.
INDI LAB RESCUE 13340 Bessemer Street Valley Glen, CA 91401
The healing of Duke
Duke came to us missing most of his fur, with puss in his eyes and ears from infections so bad that he was actually brought to the vet to be euthanized. The images at right were taken 4 weeks apart during the healing of Duke.
Indi Lab Rescue stepped up for Duke. Our dedicated foster home and top notch veterninary care coupled with customize nutrition, a raw food diet, and almost anything else needed to help, allowed us to bring Duke to health. In fact, our founder Donna was so moved by this dog that she personally fostered him for the many months needed to heal.
Duke required enormous daily care. It was a true labor of love. We could not have saved Duke without Donna's 100% commitment, time, love and dedication. He lived with her in her home and was part of her family. This is why fosters are so important. Without them, we cannot save lives. It's just that simple.
This is what we do for dogs. We give dogs like Duke a chance to live, to heal, and to find forever homes.
It is a labor of love. We are all volunteers and we do as much as we can.
Your tax-deductible donations allow us to do what we do best - heal the bodies and hearts of the lost, forgotten, and cast aside dogs who need us most.
We supply the love. We supply the foster homes. We supply the time and the schlepping and the sleepness nights. Can you help supply some of the help we need to meet our costs?
Every single cent donated to Indi Lab Rescue goes to our dogs. And every single cent is tax deductible as a charitable donation.
Help us help dogs. Help us provide hope. Help us make a difference!
INDI LAB RESCUE 13340 Bessemer Street Valley Glen, CA 91401
Or send your donation to Indi Lab Rescue 13340 Bessemer Street Valley Glen, CA 91401 |
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